Cabin Plans 


The summer is definitely on its way, and it’s supposed to be one of the hottest we’ve had in decades. Many people will be trying to head out to the beach to take a cool dip in the water. But unfortunately, that’s the plan for thousands upon thousands of people at each popular location, i.e. Ocean City, Nags Head, etc. So your vacation will turn into a traffic jam, just like the big cities or busy towns you’re trying to escape. Instead of mixing it up with everyone else jockeying for position, you could try one of the many luxurious vacation cabins throughout America.

Where can you find these vacation cabins? They’re literally everywhere. In the Appalachian Mountains, you can find old, classic cabins that have been refurbished and contain modern appliances and amenities. You’ll also find brand new cabins that rival some of the world’s best luxury homes. These cabins surround lakes, are in the middle of camping areas, next to tourist attractions, along ski trails, and more. The same goes for cabins in the Rocky Mountains. With a colder climate due to higher elevation, the Rockies’ cabins are perfection vacation destinations for the skier in you.

America has recently hit a huge recession. Many people are cancelling their vacations and not even thinking about purchasing new homes. But surprisingly, most cabins in America didn’t balloon in value like the traditional homes did, thus their prices – though slightly higher than the days of the settler, no doubt – haven’t risen in proportion. This means that cabins are still affordable on any budget, especially if you’re a vacationer planning on renting a cabin for a weekend getaway, a honeymoon, summer vacation, etc.

Portable cabins and cabin kits are also very popular. Some people like to build their dream homes, and cabins prove to be among the easiest to build. Now, when it comes to including a gourmet kitchen and a home theatre, you might run the price up a little bit. But if all you’re after is the comfortable and traditional log cabin, you can have one built for around 60% cheaper than a traditional home.

Cabins are now and have always been popular. Regardless if they’re vacation destinations or permanent homes, cabins offer a much-needed change of scenery for people who spend most of their lives trying to compete in a busy world. There’s nothing like taking a break and soaking up all the nature has to offer. And there’s no better way to experience nature than with a cabin.